This guide explains the steps to follow in order to create a secure network of Debian based distro servers and install a Kubernetes cluster on them ......
We are going to install Kubernetes on bare metal servers (= dedicated servers) on Debian based distros. We will use "kubeadmn" which is the official Kubernetes cluster initialiser ......
In this series of 2 blog posts, we are going to explain how to make a website publicly accessible via HTTP and then HTTPS ......
We are going to secure our servers by hiding them behind a private network. Among all servers inside the private network, only one will be accessible from internet via SSH ......
We are going to create firewall rules using iptables and only allow connections via SSH ......
Kubegres is a Kubernetes operator allowing to deploy a cluster of PostgreSql pods with data replication enabled out-of-the box. It brings simplicity when ......
In this article, we are going to encrypt the Etcd database with a locally managed key. By default, Kubernetes does not encrypt its Etcd database ......
Kubernetes has a built-in secret mechanism to automatically check-out private repositories from Docker registries. If you have a private repository in Docker, and would like to use it in a deployment, follow the steps in this blog ......
In Kubernetes, the command "kubectl get all" does not return all available resources ......
We are going to upload a container to a Docker private registry using command line ......
A new node can only join a Kubernetes cluster by providing “token” and “discovery-token-ca-cert-hash”. We are going to show how to generate those values. ......
Useful Kubernetes commands ......
We are going to go through the minimum steps to set-up a hardened linux server ......
This blog post explains how to keep a server's packages automatically up-to-date ......
By default Kubernetes uses the network interface of the default gateway to define a node-ip ......
Useful Linux Network commands ......
Useful Linux commands ......
25 May 2021:
A webinar about Kubegres was hosted by PostgresConf.
View the recorded video.
15 April 2021: Google talked about Kubegres in their Kubernetes Podcast #146
13 April 2021: Gigo, the open-source static website generator written in Go is available on GitHub.
10 April 2021: Kubegres, the open-source Kubernetes operator is available on GitHub.
10 December 2020: Funding is confirmed for the development of a new platform to allow individuals and companies to share their goods and properties and monetise with their assets. The development of this project is planned to start in April 2021.
11 November 2019: Delivered a critical feature allowing salespeople to handle RFQ requests from the cash Equity platform of a leading investment bank in London, United Kingdom.
03 December 2018: By collaborating with data-scientists, we delivered features allowing to automatically notify salespeople about products and news that their clients are interested in. Using this insight, salespeople can understand their clients needs and suggest them better targeted products and services. This was integrated in the Insight platform of a leading investment bank in London .
15 December 2017: Delivered a platform allowing salespeople to handle RFQ requests with up to 100 legs. This platform streams prices in real time for each leg and allows salespeople to hedge on Spot legs. It significantly reduced manual tasks and improved salespeople's productivity.
06 December 2016: Delivered a platform to place multi-deals requests with Spot, Forward and NDF legs with up to 70 legs for each deal. This allows reducing the risk of a leading investment bank located in London and provide better prices to clients using the multi-deals platform.
09 June 2016: Developed a greenfield service providing websocket and Rest APIs allowing other services in a leading investment bank to stream FX prices and place deals. The FX products exposed in the API were Spot, Forward, Swap, NDF, Ladders, Multi-deals and Time-options.
16 July 2014: Delivered a Charting application for a leading Spread betting platform located in London. The charting app runs in their HTML 5 platform and offer real time prices updates and technical analysis tools such as Moving average, standard deviation, MACD, etc...